Please type your name here  Please fill out this questionnaire with any and all information that you feel might be help the Widget Application programming team track down and fix any system errors you encounter. Your "detective work" will help us make the system run as smoothly as possible. Just type answers directly below . 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Were you using the mouse or the keyboard? Did you do anything differently than usual? (The sequence of the menu options that you chose would be especially helpful.) 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 If you have seen this problem before, does it happen every time you use this menu option? If not, do you notice any other pattern about when it happens? For example, does it happen when you hit many keys rapidly? 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 What else could be done to make this part of the system easier for you to use? 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 [information on contacting the programmers directly can go here. The SURVEY.TXT file which creates the questionnaire could be created with TEXTMERGE to put users in touch with many different people (system admin, programmers, etc), change phone numbers, etc. SURVEY.TXT is INCLUDED in WIDGET2.APP but could be marked excluded for easy editing, also.]